
Citizen Blog


Our thoughts on building sites, client work, and trends in site building, UX and design.

New Accessibility Rules for Government Websites

While accessibility has been a goal for many organizations for years, a new rule from the Department of Justice has made it a requirement.
photo of Dan at the old EC office space

Interview with a Website Designer

Get to know Electric Citizen's creative director, Dan Moriarty, and his approach to designing websites
Can with "best used by" date printed on top

Is Your Website Outdated?

Avoid out of date user experiences with long-term planning
abstract image of places around the globe being accessed by a tablet

Do URLs matter?

Getting a good domain has value. But what about the URL for each page?
typewriter keys, close up image

Using Fonts on Your Website

Quick overview on using webfonts, and how they’ve changed over time.